A flowchart is a graphical representation of decisions and their results mapped out in individual shapes.
Flowcharts can provide a step-by-step diagram for mapping out complex situations, such as programming code or troubleshooting problems with a computer.
Flowcharts can be created for any of the situations below.
- Algorithms – List the steps of how an algorithm works. See Algorithms.
- Audit – Give the steps required to test a system or process with steps on handle any problems.
- Procedure – List the steps for completing any procedure to help verify everything is done right the first time and every time.
- Program – Steps on how to create or use a program.
- Projects – Give an overview of the steps required for creating a new project or the steps on how to complete the project.
- Troubleshooting – List the steps involved for troubleshooting a problem, like the example listed earlier.